Category: Music

an image of Naveed Goldman and Nobu Adilman (AKA “DaBu”) Stolen from their website at


Kermit, the frog to be precise. Allow me to explain. You have probably already figured out that music is really important in my life. It is inseparable from breathing. I like all art, but I’d have a hard time choosing between poetry and music if it ever came down to

Streaming is Killing Music, and Other Ideas That Spark

Music streaming services don’t give a shit about you.

Before it was a book…

…it was a blog. Well, to be precise, I was in the middle of writing the book when I came up with the idea for the blog. If Lunatic Engine was a good name for a book, why wouldn’t it be a good name for a blog? And what better

Everybody’s Dying

Some people are just awesome. Do you remember when Rain Phoenix sang backup vocals on the R.E.M. album “Monster?” She sang on the track “Bang and Blame” and if you’ll recall, “Monster” was dedicated to the late River Phoenix. Well, that was 1994, an eternity in the music (or any

A Still form the short video American Utopia: Detroit which I took from this website:

Everybody’s Going to David Byrne’s House

Sometimes one runs across something on the interwebs that really needs very little parsing, that speaks for itself.  I don’t know many people who will disagree with me when I say that pretty much everything David Byrne does falls into that category. For example: And these kids, wow, these

Perfume Genius is a Genius – and WeTransfer is okay too.

This is my new favourite thing! Back in July, Perfume Genius, working with WeTransfer, a commercial large file upload tool, invited fans to upload videos of themselves dancing to “Wreath.” Mr. Genius (Mike Hadreas) promised to reward his favourite dancer with a cover of their favourite song and other treats.

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